Monday, December 31, 2012

And it begins... 2013


2012 was an amazing year for me... Getting on my feet, moving back to Brisbane with my little man, setting up Calma Health, helping clients achieve their dreams, meeting amazing friends in the health and fitness industry, running a half marathon, preparing for and competing in my first ever fitness model comp, then going on to place 3rd then 4th at the Nationals.... And so much more...

But the biggest achievement I feel that came from 2012 was the sense of contentment in myself. Knowing I don't have to prove anything to anyone, and that others opinions of me do not matter.
As long as I know where I am headed and what I want to achieve is all that matters. I hope with what I do, that I can help others find this feeling also... Because it is a great place to be in life...

I talk about goals a lot... And recently have had several (3 people in 1 week) tell me my life appears 'perfect'... This has made me think and lead to writing this blog... No one or nothing is perfect... But when you take the time to figure out what you want then work your butt off to set out to achieve those things, then OF COURSE you are going to feel pretty happy with your life! When you are on the right path, life seems to flow. When you don't know what you want, you haven't set out a path in any direction, then life feels like a struggle...

I have also had many people ask me over the past month what my plans/goals for 2013 are... I guess I have made my life fairly public so people are curious to know, which is fine by me! I love being accountable...

For me 2013 is INTEGRITY... I recently went to a fitness conference and they told us to pick a word. Pick a word to live by, that can be reflected in your everyday life, your actions and that you want to be known for... Integrity to me is saying what you will do and doing it. Speaking the truth, sticking by your words, living an honest life...

2013 for me is to BE my absolute best in what I chose to do... And that is...

- a mother
- a trainer/coach/mentor
- a business owner
- a competitor/fitness model
- a friend/daughter/sister

So that gives you a little idea of my goals for this year... Stay tuned for my more detailed journey of 2013...

Happy New Year. I hope that it brings you all the happiness, love and peace that you all deserve.

