Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 Simple FAT BURNING Tips.

5 SIMPLE Burning Fat TIPS… 
Many people don’t understand the processes that happen in our body when we eat (and digest) foods. 3 main macronutrients – protein, carbohydrates and fats provide us with energy. When we eat carbohydrates our body converts them into blood sugar (glucose) – the main source of energy for our brain!
I often hear clients say how hungry or tired they feel and more often than not it is directly related to what and when they are eating (blood sugars), and what exercise they are doing. 
Blood sugar levels also affect whether we burn fat or store it, and essentially how lean we are able to get. Poor diet, lack of exercise and the associated weight gain that comes with the two, stuffs up how the hormone insulin works, potentially leading to Type 2 Diabetes.
Insulin's role in the body is to let blood sugar into our muscles and tissues, therefore controlling our blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are too high more insulin is required in an attempt to lower blood sugars after meals. Excess insulin is a strong stimulus for storing body fat making the fat you already have, stubborn to shift.
There are 5 simple habits that you can implement into your daily life in order to burn fat (rather than store it)… and in turn boost your metabolism
1. NEVER skip meals! Eat REGULARLY! 
Every time you skip a meal you slow your metabolism and send your body into starvation/survival mode. Therefore conserving fat stores, making fat loss more difficult. 
2. PLAN your meals and take your snacks with you daily.
Plan your snacks and meals for the day take them along so that you are able to eat regularly and won't be tempted by junk food. 
3. UNDERSTAND what you are eating – PRE-PORTION your meals!
Snacking, or eating regularly is IMPORTANT but it is essential that what you are eating is healthy with the correct macronutrients and portion sizes. Over-eating can also lead to increased calories and increased blood sugar levels. (see upcoming BLOG on Perfect Portions)
4. Include HIGH FIBRE snacks and PROTEIN with EVERY snack and meal.
High fiber meals help to regulate your blood sugar levels by slowing down glucose absorption and your rate of digestion. Protein with every meal keeps your metabolism firing and prevents potential lean muscle mass loss.
5. Perform FAT BURNING CARDIO first thing in the morning on an empty stomach… 
When our blood sugar (glucose) levels are low, for example after waking from a night of sleep) when we exercise - the process of metabolism turns our body fat into energy. However, when our blood sugar levels are high, for example after a high carbohydrate meal, the process of metabolism stores excess energy into body fat to be used another time... (see upcoming BLOG on Fat Burning Walks).
For more information on balanced meal plans and correct exercise programs, Email Sharna –

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