Saturday, August 25, 2012


Do you start your week Monday mornings? 
Dragging yourself out of bed with a severe case of Monday-itis... 
Or do you jump out of bed excited about the week ahead and the things you are going to achieve throughout your week?!

One habit that I have learnt and found invaluable during my training for Fitness competitions, and staying healthy and fit in general, is Sunday shopping and food prep time!

Often during the weekdays life gets busy, things come up, plans don't always go to plan... But when you have your snacks, meals, supplements and vitamins all prepared and served out as needed, then it is as easy as grab and go... No excuses necessary.

The only other obstacle you may find yourself struggling with during the week is whether or not you 'can be bothered' to exercise or not... Those few extra minutes sleep in the morning sound more appealing than jumping out of bed in the dark when the alarm goes off! Well, all I can say to that is remember your 'why'... What is it that you really want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? Spend some time on your Sunday's, while you are prepping your food, to think about your goals and why's for that week...

Get a 'head' start for the week and have a plan of attack for it all!
That way... You can JUST DO what needs to be done, even when you don't want too...

I came across this anonymous quote yesterday.. Have a think about it...

 "Your body doesn't care if your mind isn't motivated... The results will be the same..."

To a happy, healthy and productive week - Don't WISH for it, WORK for it! xxx

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